More about Us
The back story
To learn more about us at Inspired by Play we have a few questions for you. Are you inspired on a daily basis? Do you wake up everyday looking for ways to connect with others? Are you seeking new ideas and processes to lead your best life? Do you what to have more time for play, for laughter and fun adventures? Regarding your corporate or organizational team, why is it important to your success to have a strong company culture? Do you lead with inspiration to create amazing results? Is it time to engage your time?
Those questions are what gets us up each day and inspires us to seek answers to move from perfection to a striving place of excellence. From there, we love to connect and share our knowledge. Let’s introduce you to our team and more about WHY we do what we do. Check out our story as we believe in the power of relationships. We believe in having fun, playing hard and leading life with purpose and passion!
As a result of this continuous energy, Inspired by Play is surrounded by an unbelievable network of like-minded individuals that with their positive motivation to life ensures you are inspired to make your experiences with us memorable. It’ all about the connections to a fun team – a group of inspired people!
on PURPOSE – with PASSION – PLAY now
Inspire people, enhance connections and utilize the power of play to lead your best life!

“Deep Thoughts”
Here are a few of our philosophies of life that we strive for on daily basis. They are an extension of our core values and we are excited to share.

Bryan Burns

Bryan is inspired to impact others by helping them reach their personal and team goals. He thrives on “strategically developing people and processes by valuing leadership and personal development to create inspired individuals and enhance team/group cultures!”
Bryan is a passionate leader who believes in the power of play to lead a fun and dynamic life. This energy towards personal development and enthusiasm towards the power of play to create serious fun within organizations is definitely contagious! Plus a Dad of three great young adults.
Amber Aitchison

Amber wholeheartedly believes in people. She wears her heart on her sleeve and strives to see others embrace their ability to lead their best life.
Everyone can Level Up 2.0, finding the strength and encouragement to enjoy all the benefits of life outside your comfort zone. She wants to help you with her knowledge and real life experiences.
Her positive energy and lifelong career in the education industry is now expanded to make a difference in the life of others and help them lead their best life.
Plus she is an incredible mom to three amazing kids.

We have a great team of supporters that make this journey successful.
“We want to see people stretch that “inch higher” and take “one more step” forward”. That desire is the common theme when you are part of the team at Inspired by Play. Striving for excellence and being grateful for the journey.
By attracting overall fun and energetic personalities, everyone who is part of the Inspired by Play team strives to ensure the Inspired by Play experience is filled with purposeful, passionate and playful results.