The FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS at Inspired by Play will provide many of the answers to your questions however please contact us for addition details and a full quote with pricing.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions at Inspired by Play that seem to come up. If you have other frequently asked questions that are not in the FAQ, contact us anytime so we can provide the details to bring some play to your organization. We thrive on seeing individuals and companies lead their best lives so contact us – we are here to add more fun, more laughter and more play to your world.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you give out prizes? What is the competition level? Many of our team building programs include a competitive element. Winners are typically determined by accumulated points throughout the event. It’s never obvious which team will win till the very end, as teams have a wide variety of opportunities to earn points – some objective, some more subjective. However the competition is always friendly, with the ultimate focus on the outcome of teamwork, communication and relationship building. Aside from bragging rights, we do provide part of the budget to prizes. Some clients do choose to sweeten the pot by adding more and we always have something for each sub team. We suggest keeping the cash value of these prizes low — $5 – $25. Gift certificates for Tim Horton, Starbucks, iTunes or any local business work well. Another popular approach is to make a donation to a local charity in your winning team’s name.
Where do we conduct our team building events? We work where you do. Close to the office or away at your company retreat or a convention – no matter your location, Inspired by Play is there with you. Our greatest strength is that we come to where you want us to be. Many of our programs can be done at your office however the benefits of getting out of the office can create a greater experiential learning experience. We’ve done successful events at numerous hotels, parks, on mountains, on boats, community centers, restaurants, convention centers, schools and various other venues across the country.
How much lead time is required? More time you have the better for planning. Typically the average is 2 weeks to 2 months with some clients planning 6 months or longer. We can do anything in short notice and almost everything within a week. Remember, we jump through hoops for a living. We love to play!
How to select the best team building event for your group? We’re glad you asked. That’s where experience counts. We take the time to ask you some important questions up front to recommend the best program that is fun, interactive and fits your budget. We than sort out all the logistics and keep you informed with all the details as we lead up to your team building event. We customize the activities to fit your needs and want to make sure we exceed your expectations.
What is your investment costs? Always one of the most asked questions, pricing is always answered with a ” it depends.” Our goal is to help you choose the best program for your team. There are lots of variables to consider: which program? For how many? How long? Your location? What materials will we need. Once we narrow down the details we provide those numbers. Are you looking for a ballpark? Our professionally facilitated programs start at about $50pp with a $1,250 minimum. We can get you a quote quickly so you can see what’s possible. We have quite a few options, one of which is sure to fit your budget.
How long do programs generally last? The length of typical programs ranges from 60 minutes up to a full day. Our most popular programs run 2.5-4 hours. Just like everything else, we can customize to your timeframe. We also need approximately 1-2 hours for setup, along with an hour or pack up everything afterwards.